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Writer's pictureAshley Cherrington, Ph.D.

Cultivating Calm Together: Mindfulness Practices for Families During the Holiday Season

The holiday season—a time woven with cherished traditions, marked by joyous gatherings, and an atmosphere filled with excitement and warmth. Yet, amidst the festive cheer, the flurry of activities can sometimes bring a touch of stress. For families, it's a balancing act between embracing the joy and finding tranquil moments of togetherness. In the midst of this beautiful chaos, carving out moments of peace and connection becomes essential. That's where mindfulness practices step in as the secret ingredient, not just for calming the holiday rush but for forging stronger bonds among loved ones. Here, let's explore some heartwarming mindfulness exercises perfect for families, designed to sprinkle moments of presence and unity during this treasured season.

  • Gratitude Circle: Set aside time each day for a gratitude circle. Gather as a family and take turns expressing something you're grateful for. This simple act shifts the focus from material aspects to the abundance of blessings in our lives, promoting a positive mindset.

  • Holiday Mind Jar Craft: Create a "mind jar" using a clear jar filled with water, glitter, and a drop of food coloring. Shake the jar and watch the glitter settle, representing settling thoughts and emotions. This visual aid helps both kids and adults understand the calming effects of mindfulness.

  • Mindful Breathing: Practice deep breathing exercises as a family. Sit comfortably in a circle, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. Inhale deeply for a count of four, hold for four, and exhale for four. This calms the nervous system and helps everyone connect with the present moment.

  • Nature Walks: Take walks together in nature. Encourage everyone to observe the surroundings—the rustling leaves, chirping birds, or the feel of the breeze. Nature has a grounding effect, fostering mindfulness and appreciation for the world around us.

  • Mindful Eating: During meals or while enjoying festive treats, practice mindful eating. Encourage everyone to engage their senses—observe the colors, textures, and scents of the food. Take slow bites, savoring each flavor, and share your experiences with each other.

  • Technology-Free Time: Designate specific periods where technology is set aside. Use this time for activities like storytelling, board games, or simply sitting together and conversing. Disconnecting from screens encourages genuine interactions and fosters deeper connections.

  • Gratitude Jar: Create a family gratitude jar. Each day, have every member jot down something they're thankful for and place it in the jar. As the holiday season progresses, gather to read these notes aloud, fostering a sense of appreciation and warmth.

  • Mindful Movement: Engage in yoga or simple stretching exercises together. Focus on the sensations within the body and encourage each other in the practice. This not only relaxes the body but also promotes mindfulness and unity.

  • Mindful Listening: Practice active listening during conversations. Encourage each family member to speak while others listen attentively without interrupting. This practice cultivates empathy, understanding, and respect within the family dynamic.

  • Bedtime Reflections: Before bedtime, have a reflective session as a family. Share the highlights of the day, moments of joy, or any challenges faced. This allows for emotional expression and bonding before ending the day.

  • Loving-Kindness Meditation: Sit together and practice a loving-kindness meditation. Encourage thoughts of compassion and well-wishes for oneself and then extend these wishes to family members, friends, and eventually to all beings.

The holiday season can be overwhelming, but introducing mindfulness practices into family life brings a sense of peace and togetherness. By embracing mindfulness as a family, not only do you instill valuable life skills in your children but also create lasting memories filled with love, presence, and shared experiences. Embrace these practices, cherish the moments, and celebrate the joy of being together this holiday season.

EverTrue Therapy & Wellness



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